How to Make Your Seller Account the “Brand Owner” on Amazon

How to Make Your Seller Account the “Brand Owner” on Amazon

Managing your listings on Amazon is crucial, especially if you’re selling your own branded products. However, if Amazon doesn’t recognize you as the brand owner, you might face challenges in updating your listings. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure that Amazon recognizes you as the brand owner. Follow these steps, and you’ll be able to make updates to your listings with ease. Plus, stick around for a pro tip that can save you time and hassle!

How To Video:

Step 1: Log Into Your Seller Central Account

The first step is to log into your Amazon Seller Central account. This is where you manage all your selling activities, so it’s essential to start here.

Step 2: Log Into Your Brand Registry Account

Next, log into your Amazon Brand Registry account. If you haven’t already registered your brand, sign up using the same email address linked to your Seller Central account. This step is crucial for becoming the recognized Amazon Brand Owner.

For more information on trademark registration, visit the USPTO Trademark Basics page, where you can learn about securing your brand’s legal protection.

Step 3: Enroll Your Brand

Once logged in, navigate to the “Manage” section of your Amazon Brand Registry account and select “Enroll a Brand.” This is where you officially connect your brand to your Seller Central account.

If you don’t already have a trademark, you’ll need to conduct a USPTO trademark search to find the serial number associated with your brand. For a detailed guide on how to search for trademarks, check out this USPTO Trademark Search page. After obtaining your serial number, input it during the enrollment process.

Step 4: Add Your Trademark Information

On the “Enroll Your Brand” page, provide your brand name, upload images that clearly display your trademark, and input the trademark’s serial number. Ensure the images meet Amazon’s guidelines, such as showing the trademarked logo on the product itself. For tips on taking effective product images, see this guide from Shopify.

Step 5: Gain Admin Access

After enrolling your brand, ensure your Seller Central account is recognized as the Amazon Brand Owner. Go back to your Brand Registry account, locate the “Access to Selling Benefits” button, and click it. Here, you can add your Seller Central account as an admin, granting you the ability to manage your listings as the brand owner.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues, such as someone else claiming your brand or problems accessing your listings, contact Amazon Seller Brand Support. Document everything, including screenshots of error messages, to support your case. For additional support, consider consulting with an Amazon Expert, like EHP Consulting Group, who can assist with complex brand ownership issues.

Pro Tip: Use Brand Support for Listing Updates

When recognized as the Amazon Brand Owner, it’s a good idea to keep records of your interactions with Amazon Brand Support. Whenever you make updates to your listings, include these records in your case log when communicating with Amazon. This can help you push through changes more effectively.

Internal Links for Further Reading

For more tips on managing your Amazon Seller Central account, check out our blog on optimizing product listings. If you need personalized assistance, consider reaching out to an Amazon Consultant at EHP Consulting Group.

Final Thoughts

Becoming the recognized Amazon Brand Owner is crucial for managing your listings and ensuring they accurately represent your products. By following these steps, you’ll have the control you need to optimize your Amazon presence. If you found this guide helpful, drop a like and consider subscribing for more tips. And remember, if you need further assistance, EHP Consulting Group, Amazon Experts who help businesses sell on Amazon, is here to support you on your Amazon journey.

Written By: Joshua Hackett


Sponsored By: Shopify

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 925-293-3313

Date Written: August 31st 2024

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