3 Ways For Businesses or Companies to Elevate Their Digital Presence

In today’s modern world, having access to the digital space is getting more and more crucial than ever. The Internet revolutionized almost every facet of human life. Fast forward to today, social media has become a part of the second wave of the digital revolution. With the inventions of smartphones and digital tablets, more and more people are now glued to their devices.  On average, there are at least 2 smart devices that are owned by each person on the planet.  Whether it’s for work or play, a lot of pf people are entirely dependent on the Internet. According to PEW ( Pew Research Center ), there is roughly 28 percent of American adults are always online, while 45 percent of the US population would connect to the internet, several times a day.


   The Historic rise of social media became the next big thing on the Internet. In terms of user, Facebook still leads the pack, with an average of 2.4 billion users. Followed by Youtube with 1.90 billion users,  Instagram, 1 billion users.  With that in mind, it is safe to say, that a lot of advertisers and businesses are jumping on the digital platform wagon to push ads and services.  As for you, if you’re a business owner or a company that hasn’t taken a plunge on the digital space, chances are, your potential customers or clients have already been snatched by your competitor.  In fact, a lot of people are now read reviews and even watch videos before making a purchase.   Establishing an online presence is not just for the sake of existing, it’s also a great tool to becoming a household name, both in sales, marketing, brand recognition, and customer loyalty.


  That’s why here are 3  ways for companies or businesses to elevate their presence online.

Relevant Content for Maximum Digital Visibility

With search engines like Google for example or video-sharing platforms like Youtube, more and more people are becoming informed buyers/customers. A large portion of the population will sometimes wait for the reviews before purchasing, maybe the next iPhone, the latest SUV, newly released gaming console, or sneakers. That’s why visibility is important. especially in social media platforms. So take advantage of premium advertising slot / sponsored posts on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube. In terms, of search engines, optimization is the key. You want to make sure, your product will be the first one to pop when a customer searches something related to your field. Lastly, only appear in reputable, in some cases, respectable sources. In order to avoid being associated with the wrong image.  Of course, it’s not just high visibility, but also relevant content as well. Contents could come in forms; video, social media “stories”, posts, polls, just to name a few. It’s not enough to be good-looking, you have to have substance as well. Let’s say you are a company that specializes in selling artisan-made products, make sure to include “behind the scenes” look in the digital platform of your choice. Include contents like, how your products are made, what makes your product different from other competitors, etc. In addition to the content, maybe optimize the use of “#” in your posts. Limit the number of hashtags. In this case, less is more. You don’t want to look desperate for an audience.

Real Data vs Vanity Data

Social media “ likes” are data, but only on a surface level. It doesn’t really give the movie, just the trailer. Taking time to learn digital analytics, can give you a clear picture of how your presence is doing online. Don’t just rely on the number of likes, hearts, or shares. The real analytics, whether on social media or not, can give you the in-depth look at how things are doing. This includes the age demographics, data traffic on your site or social media accounts, and many more.

Influencer marketing banner. From the computer comes out a hand with a magnet, calling users. Vector flat illustration

Customer Engagement & Management

Humans, by nature, are social creatures. We crave human attention even in the digital space and want some sort of interaction. That’s why some people have brand loyalty, because of that human connection or personal attachment that they have experienced, specifically for that product. Loyal customers are the easiest market to cater to and definitely the most profitable. That’s why building a reputable and engagement should be one of the things, companies and businesses should invest in. It’s all about positive association and belongingness. Companies or businesses should have a dedicated customer service and marketing team. This includes quick responses to customer inquiries, PMS of customer complaints, brand offerings, and many more.


This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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