7 Surefire Ways to Garner Amazon Reviews in 2024

In 2023, online shopping became a lifestyle staple: with 57% of consumers making purchases on Amazon at least once a week, and 61% admitting they’re swayed by products boasting the best ratings and reviews.

Understanding the pivotal role reviews play in consumer choices and their significance to sellers, it’s evident that garnering product reviews remains a top priority for Amazon merchants. As we delve into 2024, we’re committed to equipping you with the latest strategies to fortify your business.

For Amazon FBA sellers, reviews can either catapult or cripple your venture. Our Consumer Trends Report underscores that most consumers are swayed by top-rated products. Thus, mastering the art of securing reviews on Amazon—swiftly and compliantly—is paramount for any product launch this year.

In this comprehensive guide, we unveil seven highly effective methods to amass product reviews on Amazon. These encompass leveraging Amazon’s own programs and features, as well as deploying off-Amazon tactics accessible to third-party sellers.

Crucially, all strategies outlined herein comply with Amazon’s terms of service at the time of publication.

How to Get Reviews on Amazon in 2024

Obtaining fresh reviews for your listings is undoubtedly challenging, but far from impossible. Let’s explore seven proven strategies to bolster your review count on Amazon!

1. Harness GETREVIEWS.AI Review Automation Tools

GetReviews.ai provides a comprehensive solution for Amazon sellers, empowering them to boost their product reviews across various platforms and marketplaces. By leveraging custom review funnels tailored to each shopping destination, such as Amazon, Google, Walmart, and others, sellers can strategically engage customers at different touchpoints in their purchasing journey. Through intelligently designed package inserts created within the GetReviews platform, sellers initiate interactions with customers, encouraging them to leave reviews and optionally claim free products or gifts. As a result, sellers witness a significant uptick in reviews, leading to increased sales and heightened customer satisfaction. Moreover, GetReviews.ai doesn’t stop at review collection; it also offers integrations with popular tools like Google Sheets, Slack, Zapier, and more, streamlining testimonial workflows and ensuring a seamless experience for sellers.

Trusted by businesses of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, GetReviews.ai specializes in enhancing physical product sales. Founded by the creators of Fomo.com, a renowned social proof marketing platform for online sellers, GetReviews brings extensive experience and expertise to the realm of e-commerce. Whether it’s automating review collection on leading marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy, and eBay, or integrating with platforms such as Trustpilot and Google Places for agencies and freelancers, GetReviews.ai offers a versatile solution tailored to the unique needs of each client. With a focus on honesty and integrity, GetReviews.ai is dedicated to helping businesses at every stage of their journey achieve success through effective review management strategies.

With Review Automation, you’re poised to streamline your review acquisition process, reclaiming precious time to reinvest in your business endeavors.

Watch How Getreviews.ai works in video below

2. Utilize Amazon’s “Request a Review” Button:

Amazon’s “Request a Review” button presents a manual avenue for soliciting reviews on Seller Central, within the 4-30 day post-purchase window.

This feature wields considerable influence, significantly amplifying the likelihood of garnering reviews. Evidencing its efficacy, post the button’s introduction on March 8, 2020, sellers witnessed a remarkable surge in review counts. Prior to its rollout, the average review increase per order stood at 3.6; however, following its implementation, 94.7% of users experienced a staggering average increase of 25.9 reviews—a testament to its potency.

While individually activating this feature for each order may prove laborious, Jungle Scout’s Extension and subsequent solution offer seamless alternatives.

3. Join the Amazon Vine Program

Amazon’s Vine Program welcomes sellers with Amazon brand-registered products boasting fewer than 30 reviews.

Under this initiative, sellers submit 30 units of inventory. Vine reviewers receive these products gratis, assess their performance, and pen a review.

While reminiscent of the incentivized review programs Amazon banned in late 2016, Vine stands out due to Amazon’s meticulous reviewer vetting process.

According to Amazon, “25% of reviews received occur within 5 days of the order, while 99% of reviews received occur within 35 days of the order,” making this program instrumental in rapidly accruing reviews for newly registered products.

Enrollment in Amazon Vine incurs a fee, contingent upon the number of units enrolled:

Units Enrolled Vine Enrollment Fee 1-2 $0 3-10 $75 11-30 $200

In the event a product garners no reviews within 90 days, the enrollment fee is waived.

    4. Utilize Third-Party Automated Email Responders

    In addition to Amazon’s internal automated responder, many sellers leverage third-party responders to dispatch messages through Amazon’s seller messaging system.

    It’s crucial to note that Amazon imposes restrictions on the quantity and types of messages permissible via its Seller Messaging System. Per Amazon:

    “You may send proactive Permitted Messages for the following reasons: resolving an issue with order fulfillment, requesting additional information required to complete the order, asking a return-related question, sending an invoice, requesting product review or seller feedback or both, scheduling the delivery of a heavy or bulky item, scheduling a Home Services appointment, verifying a custom design, or any other reason where the contact is required for the buyer to receive their purchase.

    “Permitted Messages do not include any of the following message types (in many cases we are already emailing customers with this information on your behalf):

    • Order or shipping confirmations
    • Messages that say only “Thank you” or that you are here to help if buyers have any problems
    • Marketing or promotional messaging, including coupons
    • Language that either incentivizes or persuades the buyer to submit positive product reviews or seller feedback, including by offering compensation, money, gift cards, free or discounted products, refunds, rebates or reimbursements, or future benefits
    • Language that requests removal or an update of an existing product review
    • Language that requests a product review only if they have had a positive experience with the product
    • A repeat request (per order) for a product review or seller feedback”

    Essentially, only permitted messages for review/feedback requests or instances mandating contact are permissible. Shipment updates, gratitude for orders, etc., are no longer admissible.

    5. Establish an Email Contact List

    Given the constraints on the seller messaging system and third-party responders, alternative means of communication with shoppers are imperative.

    Remember: as long as shoppers purchase through Amazon, they remain Amazon’s customers. Overcoming this obstacle necessitates building your brand off Amazon, with one effective avenue being the creation of an email list.

    Fortunately, various methods exist for constructing an email list. Social media engagement and blog subscriptions are viable options. Once you’ve amassed a mailing list, you can solicit reviews from those who’ve made purchases from you.

    6. Harness the Power of Product Inserts

    Among the most prevalent tactics to prompt shoppers to share their feedback on Amazon is the utilization of product inserts. These often take the form of cards slipped into packaging, kindly requesting shoppers to consider leaving a review.

    However, product inserts have recently come under scrutiny by Amazon. The platform has observed instances where sellers have violated guidelines outlined in the “Don’t forget to follow the rules” section of this article.

    For instance, the example picture below illustrates a violation of Amazon’s terms. Sellers are prohibited from diverting negative reviews or instructing customers to contact them instead of posting negative feedback.

    Here are some guidelines for effective product inserts:

    • Request product reviews without bias. Explicitly asking for five-star reviews or displaying images of five-star ratings contravenes Amazon’s guidelines.
    • Provide valuable information about your company and product, such as usage tips.
    • Avoid soliciting customers to communicate outside of Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging platform in Seller Central. Offering exemplary customer service can preempt negative product reviews.

    7. Address Negative Reviews Proactively

    Mitigating unfavorable reviews of your products can be approached both proactively and reactively. Proactively, ensure your product meets top standards and merits commendable reviews. Reactively, promptly address any customer service issues that may arise.

    Moreover, employing tools like Jungle Scout’s Alerts allows you to receive notifications whenever you receive a negative review. While previously Amazon didn’t permit sellers to directly contact customers who left negative reviews, those enrolled in Brand Registry can now initiate contact.

    This feature offers an opportunity to enhance the customer’s experience with your brand, potentially leading to the removal of negative reviews or their transformation into positive ones.

    Amazon Product Review Regulations

    Amazon maintains stringent regulations concerning product reviews, with severe consequences for violations that can result in seller suspension.

    When soliciting reviews on Amazon, it’s imperative to discern between legitimate methods and black hat tactics, which can jeopardize your business’s standing on the platform.

    Here are key Amazon product review regulations to adhere to:

    1. Avoid incentivizing reviews: Offering products at discounted rates or for free in exchange for reviews is prohibited and can lead to suspension.
    2. Abstain from cherry-picking reviews: Soliciting reviews selectively from customers with positive experiences while neglecting those with neutral or negative experiences is forbidden.
    3. Refrain from buying reviews: Purchasing reviews, whether genuine or fabricated, is strictly prohibited. Engaging in such practices can result in account suspension.

    Strategizing for Amazon Reviews in 2024

    We hope this article has provided valuable insights into garnering Amazon product reviews in 2024. 

    If you ever need help with gaining or removing reviews, EHP Consulting Group is here to help. Contact Us HERE

    It’s advisable to rely on Amazon’s sanctioned methods, which are entirely free of ambiguity. Always ensure compliance with Amazon’s regulations. Remember: risking your entire seller account for a few additional sales via black hat tactics is never worthwhile.

    To delve deeper into Amazon’s terms of service, consult Amazon’s product review terms of service. Additionally, learn about the repercussions faced by sellers employing black hat tactics in their selling strategies.

    Written By: Joshua Hackett

    Sponsored By: Getreviews.ai

    Use Getreviews.ai to generate reviews fast on Amazon. 

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.ehpconsultinggroup.com

    Phone: 925-293-3313Date Written: June 12th, 2024

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