Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Being a manager, supervisor or a CEO is often a tough job. You are basically incharge of everything or at least a large part of the company is under your responsibility. But there is one area where your capabilities as leader or manager will be tested, and that’s on how to to motivate your employees. A company is only as good as its employees. They are the backbone of every company. Without their man power, unless you can do it on your own, your company will be nothing. Motivating your employees or staff members is a great way to increase productivity in the workplace.


That’s why here are some ways on how you can motivate your employees to be the best at their job.


  1. Praise them from time to time. – But don’t do it too much. Staff members or employees want to know if they are doing a good job or their output is good enough. A simple “thank you” or “great job” especially coming from a higher position can be a great reassurance of the work your employee or staff member is doing.

  1. Treat them with respect and dignity – Yes, humiliating them or berating them in front of your employees or staff can be a great recipe for a movie or drama. But not in real life. It’s important to treat your staff members or employees as you would like to be treated. If they made a mistake, being incompetent at work, or you think is experiencing some problems, its better to talk to them directly. But do it with respect and do it in a much gentler approach. Maybe talk to them privately or have a one on one meeting with him or her. Oftentimes, employees will openly talk or share their feelings if you do in a more respectable manner. Ruling them with fear can only go so far, before your employees or staff started quitting left and right.

  1. Be Firm and Fair  – Everybody wants a leader that can arrive at a conclusion and doesn’t favor anyone. If you want to destroy office morale, then having a favoritism can be a great start. Learn on how to approach and diffuse tension between the employees or staff and make sure everyone is treated with fairness in mind.

  1. Allow Expression, Criticisms and Suggestions – It’s important to provide an atmosphere where everyone can have a voice and feel like they can be heard or their voices matter. Be open to criticism and opinions. But also don’t forget that you are in a position of power but you are open to accepting  their needs. But make sure to remind them that you aren’t easily swayed by everyone and that you still have the final say of the matter.

  1. Pay Them – or at least offer them some sort of incentive or perks. The greatest motivator of all is probably money. While not all companies or businesses have the capacity to increase or offer monetary compensation. But increasing their salary can be a way to know that the  company values them.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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