Things you can do to make work-from-home, a little less stressful.

Even before the pandemic, a lot of employees are already working from home. or at least have some work from a related schedule. And with technologies like Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft teams, Slack and such. Working from home has never meant easier. Where for the most part, there is almost no need to go to the office. For some, working from home is like heaven-sent. Just in your sweat pants is enough, and then you are ready for that 9:00 am meeting. Or at least put some formal on top and athleisure at the bottom. But for some, working remotely from home is torture. Especially those who have been used to having structure and routine. That’s why here are some tips to make your work-from-home- life, A little less stressful.

  1. Ask for your schedule and know the limits.

  • Are you required to log in at specific times, or it doesn’t matter as long as you keep in touch with your work or deadlines are met. Make sure to know the limits of your work-home schedule. That way, you can plan your day and don’t have to slack most of the time, then panic at the last minute.
  1. Set up a space

  • It’s easy to just sit anywhere, like your bed, and work from there. But setting up your workspace can help create boundaries, both mentally and physically. Setting up space, only dedicated for work, can provide a sense of productivity, and help create space that is just productivity.
  1. Have some time for yourself

  • Yes, and more yes. Being productive and focused on your work is great. But it’s also productive to set some time for yourself. Remember, your body is also your capital for your work. So take some time to relax a bit or take a 5-minute break or have some afternoon nap. But also be sure to remind yourself that you need to get back to work.


  1. Try to remind other members of the house.

  • For those who have family members, it’s good to remind them from time to time that, just because you work from home, you are allowed to submit or aid to their every need. Of course, It’s a different story if you have a baby or younger kids. But if most of your family members are almost grown adults, it’s good to remind and set up boundaries that you can’t cater to their every demand when you are in work mode.


  1. Take care of your body.

  • Just because you work-from-home, doesn’t give you an excuse to just pile on the pounds from eating takeouts and binge on potato chips. Remember the saying “Health is wealth”, well, this will ring true, if you have deadlines and can’t do anything because you are sick. So make sure to eat a well-balanced diet and watch what you eat. Do some exercise, and of course, clear your head through relaxation and taking breaks to compose and reflect on yourself
This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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