How to Improve Your Resourcefulness at Work

Being self-disciplined, confident, hard worker, and dedicated might be considered to be some of the hallmarks of being an effective leader. Whether as an entrepreneur businessman, CEO, or just a regular employee. But there is one skill that may help stand out from the rest. And that is being resourceful. Especially when it’s about achieving goals, either professionally or in life in general.  Being resourceful means having a positive outlook and having the capacity to do what it takes to get the job done. Which comes from the willingness to think outside of the box and go beyond your comfort zone. Because not all the solutions are laid out directly in front of you. And not everyone will have the same options as everybody else.

That’s why here are some 5 ways on what you can do to help improve your sense of resourcefulness:

  1. Be Open to welcoming other ideas.

– Especially be aware of the ideas of others, rather than relying on your own, the whole time. Yes, your ideas are welcome, but be open to others’ ideas, whether you like them or not. Because other’s people’s ideas offer a different perspective. And that could just be the thing that you might need.

  1. Time Management

– and also, don’t take shortcuts. Yes, being resourceful means getting things done on time. And getting things done on time doesn’t mean doing shortcuts. It’s all about efficiency and planning things. Shortcuts might be tempting, and for the most part, they usually work. But they can also be prone to collapse. Almost like crosscutting of materials for building a foundation or infrastructure.

  1. Play some strategy games

games or any activity that helps stimulate brain activity is good. It’s an exercise for the brain.

  1. Know your limitation

– Knowing in what area you lack; the skill or knowledge can be the first step for improvement.

  1. Read, Research, and Take Note

– The more you know, the more you can approach or solve problems in different ways. So, make sure to have at least have your pen and paper ready for when an idea or ideas will pop up. Because sure enough, it might not come back again. And if you have something that you are curious about. Then it’s time to read about a topic or idea.  Reading and research mean you are gathering resources that you can add to your arsenal of ideas.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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