Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Critical Thinking

But first, what Is critical thinking? It can be described, as an individual’s ability to think rationally. Critical thinking also relates to one’s ability to form different connections, to and from different ideas. On top of that, it also can provide answers or solutions through asking the right question.
Critical thinking has its roots in asking the right questions and identifying key points that relate to or is the product of the problem. It is also critical in identifying the flaws within the problem or solution. And deciding whether the presented evidence is enough to merit the proposed solution. It’s all about one’s decision and taking a stand.
And without a fast-paced and modern lifestyle. Oftentimes, our choices aren’t perfect. But there are some ways on how to improve your critical thinking skills. Especially at work. Here are some tips;
  1. Assumptions are good but do your research

– When it comes to decision-making, assumptions can be an easy way out. But be careful. Assumptions can be misleading and it’s critical to get the research first, to make an informed assumption. Not just blindly providing a solution, that can’t be backed up. Especially if it talks about long-term strategy or long-term solutions for a company or big decisions, where a lot is at stake.

  1. Learn to Communicate

– So, you now have the solution. You have done your research, you have listed possible weak points, etc. Now what? The next part will be trying to convince your colleague, your boss, supervisor, or even your parents. Learning to communicate is also a great tip to help improve your critical thinking skills. Especially in fields like advertising, branding, and even field like Medicine, and the creative arts. Because not all of your audience think the way that you do. So, you have to devise a strategy to effectively deliver the message or intent.

  1. Eliminate what is unnecessary

 – this could include ideas, data, or even opinions when it comes to decision-making. That it gets overwhelming. So, try to focus on what is important and needs the majority of your energy.

  1. Be open to the possibility

– Every idea or solution should not be limited to just one source. Be flexible and learn to adjust your ideas to your environment.

  1. Learn to pinpoint biases

 – Let’s face it. When it comes to decision-making or expectations, we want it to be easy or the best. And sometimes, we tend to act on things, that can potentially produce an outcome,  that fits within our favor. But this prevents us from making an objective decision.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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