Small & Simple Ways to Keep You Motivated

Sometimes, we have our moments of disappointment. You did everything. You have even psyched yourself to keep pushing forward, towards your goal or project
But what happens when you can’t your motivation? Especially is that project is almost at its peak? How do you psych yourself up to get the gears going? Here are a few things you can try.
  1. Write it down and break it down.

– When you set your goal, or goals. It’s better to write it down. Either on your journal or ok a post-it note. You can even type and save them in your digital notes found on your smartphones. Of course, typing them is just the first part. The second would be breaking it down into chunks. Breaking it down into achievable goals. By breaking it down. You are not setting yourself too high. That becomes overwhelming, making you lose your motivation in the process. Star small and work your way up towards the bigger challenges. Just move forward, one step at a time.

  1. Set deadlines

– setting limits or deadlines can be a good thing. Deadlines are there to keep you in check. It helps you to stay on track and can help avoid side trips. It also allows you to get creative and manage your resources.

  1. Harness the power of being positive and being nice to yourself

– Remember, that your health and well-being are crucial to getting things done. Be aware that mistakes will happen and the results, will sometimes be different than what you expect. But don’t let it be the reason to lose hope. Always strive to do better, but don’t beat yourself up too much.

  1. Be aware of roadblocks

– You’ll be surprised that there are a lot of things that are holding you back. Whether it is your mindset, trauma, mistakes, or the lack of skills. It can also be physical things like your messy desk or office. Or it can even be your attitude. That’s why it’s important to do some self-reflection and work on ways to improve in that area.

  1. Go out to get inspired.

– If your environment isn’t enough to give you the right motivation. Then, maybe go out and have a walk. Take a trip or go somewhere. If that’s not possible. Then maybe watching a movie or talking to someone.  This will give you an extra push or a gentle reminder to keep moving forward.

  1. Treat yourself. But don’t do it too much.

– If you completed a goal, whether big or small. Be sure to take some time to celebrate it. It doesn’t have to be big. Maybe treating yourself to ice cream or a drink or two. Maybe going out to dinner at a nice restaurant. – It’s better to celebrate the little victories, before going for the big leagues. It’s a gentle reminder that you are doing something.

  1. Have a support system.

– You are not on this journey alone. So it is better to have a great support system. A people that you can confide in and share your victories with.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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