Handling Conflict in the office

Conflict is inevitable. It happens in our daily life. It might be a conflict within oneself, family members, friends, relationships. It’s not a strange phenomenon, and can often cause some degree of disappointment, stress, discomfort, anger, frustration. It can even question your sanity and self-worth. But what if a conflict arises in your professional life? And with more and more companies hiring people not just on the local setting, but on the international level. People from all around the world. Different cultures, beliefs, ideas, and experiences. So it’s bound that conflict and disagreements are bound to happen.
 So here are some tips that might help your workplace, a little be harmonious.
  1. Investigative attitude.

 – office gossip isn’t a reliable source. So, it’s best to clarify where the source is coming from. Go to the main source. Don’t start your conclusion on fake news. And of course, get the information on both sides of the party or multiple parties. It’s best to avoid biases and have a full picture of the entirety of the issue.

  1. Be open to communication

– of course, do it nicely. Be it diplomatic. Disputes and conflict can often escalate quickly, can often be caused by the lack of communication. Make sure both parties have a clear direction by providing an opportunity to get on the same picture.

  1. Offer a safe space.

– preferably somewhere that is conducive for both parties to talk and openly communicate. Don’t pick a place that is very hostile or something that puts the person on a hot seat.

  1. Be on board on the same boat

-This also relates to how we communicate the concern or issue. Just make sure that both parties or the parties that are involved know the issue and have no secrets or hidden info.

  1. Work on the goal that everyone agrees on.

– this also relates to the bias that is present during conflicts or issues. There should be a creation of an objective where both parties should work towards upon. Brainstorming together towards a solution.

  1. Evaluation is the key.

– let’s say a solution or maybe an intervention has been put in place. But how can anyone or everyone know that it’s effective? Well. Let’s put a timeframe and perform an evaluation. That way, everyone will have a clear picture of the solution implemented, is effective or not.


This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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