How To Buy Amazon UPC Codes

Hey there, fellow Amazon enthusiasts! Have you ever strolled through a grocery store and noticed those intriguing little codes on every item? Those are UPC codes—Universal Product Codes—and they play a vital role in the world of retail, especially when it comes to selling on Amazon. Today, we’re diving deep into the intricacies of UPC codes, exploring how they work, why they matter for your Amazon business, and how you can leverage them effectively. In this Blog, I will show you how to Buy UPC Codes.

How to Obtain a UPC Code

To obtain a UPC code for your product, you’ll need to work with GS1, the global organization responsible for managing UPCs and other product identification standards. Here’s a step-by-step process:

  1. Obtain a GS1 Company Prefix: This unique identifier identifies your company and forms the basis for your UPCs.
  2. Generate a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): This 12-digit number includes your GS1 Company Prefix and specific product details.
  3. Create the UPC Barcode: Once you have your GTIN, you can generate the corresponding UPC barcode. Ensure it meets Amazon’s barcode specifications, especially if you’re using Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon).

How Much Does A UPC Cost?

Around $30 per UPC Code.

Where to Purchase UPC Codes

It’s crucial to purchase UPCs directly from GS1 to ensure legitimacy and compliance with Amazon’s requirements. While third-party vendors may offer cheaper alternatives, using unauthorized UPCs can lead to complications, including listing removals and brand integrity issues on Amazon. You can also contact EHP Consulting Group to get your UPC Code for you.

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Understanding UPC Codes

UPC codes, also known as Universal Product Codes, are essential product identifiers used in retail environments worldwide. These codes consist of a unique set of numbers that uniquely identify each product. They serve as a universal language between manufacturers, retailers, and consumers, ensuring smooth and accurate transactions. When a UPC code is scanned or entered into a system, it provides instant access to important product information, such as the manufacturer, product details, and pricing.

Do You Need a UPC Code to Sell on Amazon?

In most cases, yes. Amazon requires UPCs for most product listings to facilitate efficient inventory management and ensure product accuracy across its platform. However, there are exceptions and alternatives. For instance, if you join Amazon’s Brand Registry and obtain a GTIN exemption for your brand, you can list products without individual UPCs under certain conditions. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for unique products or those without traditional UPC codes.

When Do You Not Need a UPC Code?

There are specific scenarios where Amazon allows sellers to list products without a UPC or other standard product identifiers. If your product qualifies, you can apply for a GTIN exemption through Amazon. Once approved, you can proceed with listing your product on Amazon without the need for a UPC.

Best Practices for UPC Codes

To maximize the effectiveness of UPC codes for your Amazon listings, consider these best practices:

  • Use Legitimate GS1-issued UPCs: Ensure each UPC is registered with GS1 to maintain credibility and avoid issues with Amazon.
  • Unique UPCs for Each Product Variant: Assign a unique UPC to each product variant or SKU to accurately differentiate products and streamline inventory management.
  • Understanding Labeling Requirements: While UPCs are required for listing creation on Amazon, physical placement on products may vary. Amazon’s FBA uses FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) labels instead of UPCs on individual products, simplifying inventory management and fulfillment processes.


Does My UPC Barcode Need to Be on My Product Packaging?

It depends on the product and where it is sold. If your UPC code is on the product packaging, it should always be printed (unless the same packaging is used for different products). Also, if the UPC is on the product, it should be removable.

Can I Use Manufacturer Codes as My UPC Codes?

No, major retailers and online marketplaces require UPC codes with accurate prefixes included. Using a reseller’s UPC or another company’s code is not permissible.

Does the Amazon UPC Code Have to Physically Be on Each Product I List?

No, Amazon UPC codes only need to be initially included on your Amazon product listing. They do not need to physically be on your product. You’ll only need one UPC code for each variation of your initial product.

Can I Just Make up a UPC?

No, UPCs must be obtained from GS1 to work at the point of sale. GS1 UPCs include an assigned Company Prefix, ensuring global uniqueness and compliance.

What Is the Difference Between a Barcode and a UPC Code?

A UPC code is a specific type of barcode that identifies products uniquely. The barcode is a machine-readable representation of the UPC, used for scanning at checkout and inventory tracking.


In conclusion, understanding and effectively utilizing UPC codes can significantly enhance your selling experience on Amazon. These codes not only improve product visibility and accuracy but also contribute to winning the Buy Box—a key factor in driving sales on the platform. By adhering to best practices and leveraging legitimate UPCs, you’re positioning yourself for success in the competitive landscape of e-commerce.

For more insights and personalized strategies to optimize your Amazon business, visit EHP Consulting Group. Let’s elevate your Amazon game together!

Remember, knowledge and strategic implementation are your best allies in navigating the complexities of online selling. Stay informed, stay ahead!

This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights into how to buy Amazon UPC codes, addresses common questions, and offers practical advice for maximizing your e-commerce success.

Written By: Joshua Hackett


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Date Written: July 20th 2024

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