How to Change Your Brand Name on Amazon

How to Change Your Brand Name on Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide

Changing your brand name on Amazon can seem like a daunting process, but with the right approach, you can successfully navigate it. That being said, in today’s blog I will be showing you how to change your brand name on Amazon. I even have a Youtube video at the bottom of the blog if you are still stuck. Whether you’re rebranding, dealing with trademark issues, or simply want to refine your brand image, understanding the steps involved is crucial. This guide, inspired by insights from Josh Hackett, CEO and founder of EHP Consulting Group, expert Amazon Consultants, breaks down the detailed process of changing your brand name on Amazon and includes some helpful resources to make the task easier.

Video Tutorial (At Bottom of Blog)

Why Is Your Brand Name Important?

Your brand name on Amazon is more than just a label—it’s a critical piece of your seller identity. It impacts your ability to participate in programs like Amazon Vine, create A+ Content, and gain access to brand registry benefits. Moreover, your brand name must match your trademark exactly, down to capitalization and punctuation. If it doesn’t, you could lose access to these valuable tools, which will significantly affect your ability to create a cohesive brand story, enhance product listings, and engage with customers.

When your brand name is inconsistent or incorrect, you may find yourself facing serious obstacles, such as the inability to list new products, issues with A+ Content, or problems with Brand Story creation. Therefore, ensuring that your brand name is correct and consistent across all platforms is crucial for long-term success on Amazon. Sometimes, it is difficult to learn how to change your brand name on Amazon.

The Challenges of Changing Your Brand Name on Amazon

Amazon doesn’t make it easy to change your brand name, largely because they want to maintain the integrity of their platform. This process can take anywhere from a few days to 30 days or more, depending on your persistence and the strength of your case. However, with the right approach, you can overcome these challenges and successfully change your brand name on Amazon. Below, we’ll outline the exact steps you need to take to navigate this process.

Step 1: Tell a Compelling Story

Amazon is typically resistant to brand name changes unless you can present a compelling reason. Simply saying “I made a mistake” won’t cut it. Instead, craft a narrative that Amazon is more likely to respond to. One of the most effective stories is to claim that your listing was hijacked, and as a result, the brand name was changed without your knowledge or consent. For example, if your new brand name is supposed to be “Zealous Nutrition,” tell Amazon that a hijacker altered the brand name on your listing, and you need to restore it to the correct one.

While this may seem like a stretch, Amazon is more likely to respond favorably to a story that involves listing security rather than one that simply involves user error. Remember, the goal is to get Amazon to take action on your behalf, and the story you tell plays a big role in making that happen.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Evidence

After crafting your story, you’ll need to gather a set of supporting documents to back up your claim. These documents will serve as proof that your brand name should be changed and that the current name is incorrect. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Trademark Certificate:
    A valid trademark certificate is essential for proving your brand name. If you don’t already have this, you can obtain it from the official United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. This certificate proves that your trademark is registered with the government and gives you the legal right to use that name in commerce.
  2. Brand Registry Documentation:
    Your brand must be registered with Amazon’s Brand Registry. This connects your trademark to your Amazon account and proves that you are the rightful owner of the brand name in question. If you haven’t yet registered your brand, you can start the process at Amazon Brand Registry. Be sure to save a screenshot of your brand registry status as part of your evidence.
  3. Manufacturer Website:
    If you have a manufacturer, ensure that their website reflects your brand name and the corresponding product information. This should include the product’s UPC code, SKU, and any other identifying information. If you are the manufacturer, make sure your own website displays this information clearly. Including a link to your website in your submission can help Amazon verify the accuracy of your claim.
  4. Letter from the Manufacturer:
    If you are working with a third-party manufacturer, request a letter from them confirming that you are the owner of the product and that it should be listed under your brand name. If you are the manufacturer, you can write this letter yourself, confirming that the product is your creation and should be listed under the correct brand name.
  5. Invoice:
    An invoice showing that you have purchased the product is another critical piece of evidence. This invoice should include key details such as the SKU, UPC code, and your legal name and address. Make sure that the information on the invoice matches your Amazon Seller Central account to avoid any discrepancies.
    Having all of these documents in place will significantly increase your chances of success when requesting a brand name change from Amazon. While it may seem like a lot of paperwork, the more thorough and accurate your documentation, the more likely Amazon is to approve your request.

Step 3: Contact Amazon

Once you’ve gathered your evidence, it’s time to reach out to Amazon. You’ll need to contact both Seller Support and Brand Registry Support to ensure your request is handled properly.

  1. Contact Seller Support:
    Start by opening a case in Amazon Seller Central. When you contact Seller Support, make sure to ask them to transfer your case to the Brand Registry team. In your message, explain that your listing was hijacked and the brand name was changed incorrectly. Include all of your supporting documents, such as your trademark certificate, manufacturer letter, and invoice, to provide proof of your claim.
  2. Contact Brand Registry Support:
    In addition to Seller Support, open a case with Amazon Brand Registry Support. Select “Other Issues” as the category and provide a detailed explanation of your situation, along with all relevant documentation. By opening cases with both teams, you increase the chances of your request being addressed promptly.

Step 4: Follow Up and Escalate When Necessary

Changing your brand name on Amazon is not a “set it and forget it” process. Once you’ve submitted your request, you’ll need to follow up regularly to ensure it’s being handled. Amazon can be slow to respond, so persistence is key.

After submitting your case, wait a few days and then contact Amazon by phone to discuss the status of your request. Ask them to review your case and all the documents you’ve submitted. Explain that the brand name issue is impacting your business and that you need it resolved as soon as possible.

It’s also a good idea to keep two cases open—one with Seller Support and one with Brand Registry Support. This ensures that both teams are aware of your issue, and it increases the likelihood of a faster resolution. Regular follow-up emails or phone calls can help keep your case moving forward.

What to Do If You’re Missing Some Documents

In some cases, you might not have all the required documentation. For example, you might not be able to obtain a letter from your manufacturer, or you might not have an invoice that includes all the necessary details. If this happens, don’t worry—you can still proceed with the documents you do have.

The key is to use all available resources and provide as much evidence as possible. Even if you’re missing a specific document, a combination of other evidence (such as your website, brand registry, and trademark certificate) can still make a compelling case. While having all the documents will make the process easier, you can still succeed with what you have.

Final Steps: Persistence Pays Off

Once you’ve submitted your evidence and spoken with Amazon, the final step is persistence. Continue following up until your brand name is successfully changed. This process can take time, but it’s worth the effort to protect your brand and unlock important Amazon features like A+ Content and Brand Story.

Remember, while the process may seem long and challenging, the benefits of having a consistent and accurate brand name on Amazon are well worth the effort. Your brand is your business’s identity, and ensuring that it’s correctly represented on Amazon is crucial for your long-term success.

Need Professional Help?

If you find the process overwhelming or simply don’t have the time to manage it yourself, consider reaching out to professionals. Companies like EHP Consulting Group have experience navigating these issues and can assist in changing your brand name on Amazon. They can help you gather the necessary documents, craft the right story, and manage the entire process on your behalf.

Video Tutorial (How To Change Your Brand Name on Amazon)

Written By: Joshua Hackett


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Phone: 925-293-3313

Date Written: August 21st 2024

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