How to fight that mid-afternoon sleepiness? 

Relaxing at home and sleeping after a very long day is one of the most satisfying things in the world. There is some sort of comfort, jumping to bed after work. But when you are at work, then it’s like a nightmare. There are many underlying reasons for what causes mid-afternoon sleepiness. And the solutions might not happen overnight.
That’s why here are actions that you can take to fight that mid-afternoon fatigue and sleepiness. Especially when that deadline is fast approaching.
  1. A shot of Caffeine

    A drug that almost fuels the entire world. Caffeine is a stimulant that ramps up nervous and brain activity. Helps improve thinking ability and boost mental performance. But they say, too much of a good thing can be bad. Overconsumption of Caffeine (in coffee at least), especially when it is paired with sugar, can lead to overstimulation and eventually “caffeine crash”. Where after a period of intense work and mental stimulation? Like an engine that has been reeved up to for longer periods. It will eventually overheat. In this case, crash.

  1. Power Naps

    When we sleep, there are stages that we go through, before reaching that deep Taking a little bit of a shut-eye can be a solution to fighting that mid-afternoon sleepiness. Power naps are a great way to slightly recharge the body, but just enough to not enter that last stage, which is called the “deep slumber”. But watch out. Too much or failing to wake up can make you more lethargic and can disrupt your nighttime sleep schedule.

  1. PowerWalks

    if power naps aren’t your thing or at least the workplace or environment doesn’t allow such activity. How about taking a power walk. Just get up from your desk and walk around for a while, until that feeling of sleepiness subsides. Or if your workplace has a garden, then take a few minutes to walk around.

  1. Pumped up the Music

    Either on speaker or a pair of headphones. Listening to music, especially upbeat music can also uplift your entire being from being sleepy. Whether we consciously think about it or unconsciously. Upbeat music can be a form of self-awareness. Where we try to understand the song or listen to the lyrics, where this acts as a distraction.

  2. Don’t overindulge on your lunch

    There is a reason why after having a hearty meal, you get sleepy. That’s because most of your remaining energy is spent digesting food. Having a light meal makes you full but not stuffed. Also, it’s better to at least choose packed full of nutrients.

    This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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