1. Motivated differently

– a common misconception when it comes to introverts. In general, they are keen on producing high-quality work and efficient productivity. They are almost wired to function and get motivated on a different metric as compared to extroverts.
2. Selective networking

– when it comes, networking, social interaction can take a toll on an introvert’s energy supplies. That’s why, when it comes to socializing and networking, introverts make every ounce of energy count. They always come in prepared and oftentimes have strategies on how to deal with such crowds. By making every ounce of energy counts, they are efficient in choosing quality over quantity when it comes to making connections. They are keen on scanning which one is the one. They are also focused on building meaningful connections and would prefer a one-on-one setting.
3. Focus on a single task

– Unlike the extroverted counterparts, which can multitask. Quality output is an introvert’s utmost priority. Some of them won’t settle for good or mediocre. They must be up to their standards, of what is best. Which often puts them in a position of being self-critical or being their own worst critic.
4. Alone time
– Alone time for introverts isn’t just for recharging their internal batteries, but also a time to do some reflection and some thorough thinking. Unlike their extroverted counterparts, introverts often avoid making snap decisions. Almost all decisions that leave their mouth have thoroughly inspected and well thought out.
This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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