Amazon hasn’t announced yet when this year’s Prime Day will be, but it’s never bad for business to prepare for it. Amazon Prime Day is essentially Amazon’s version of Black Friday or Cyber Monday. On Amazon Prime Day, Prime members get the opportunity to shop for great deals offered by Amazon-prime-eligible sellers who will only last for one day.
2019’s Amazon Prime Day saw sellers across the board experience as significant as a 300% increase in their overall sales and profits. As you can tell, judging from those numbers, it’s crucial for you as an Amazon Seller to take full advantage of Amazon Prime Day to boost your business’s bottom line.
There are a lot of things you can do on Amazon Prime Day to encourage customers to purchase more while paying less. Below, you’re going to find tips about all of the best methods you can use for this year’s upcoming prime day to boost the number of sales of your business.
Increase sales on Amazon Prime Day

One of the most innovative features that Amazon sellers can use on Amazon Prime Day is lightning deals. Lightning deals give you the ability to offer your customers a minimum of 20% or higher discount on products. However, the thing about amazon lightning deals is that they only last for a few hours, and it displays the percentage of customers who have claimed your product.
To offer your customers a lightning deal on Amazon Prime Day, you must submit them for approval. Continue reading to find out about some other useful methods you can use to increase your sales on Amazon Prime Day.
Tips To Increase Sales on Amazon Prime Day:
- Prime Day Spotlight Deals- prime day spotlight deals showcase the most popular products that offer fantastic savings to customers; these deals last all day until your stock runs out.
- Prime Savings & Deals- customers can browse the deals page on Amazon Prime Day to find all-day prime savings and deals from your store.
- Sponsored Product Posts- if you’re offering a significant discount on a particular product or item that you want to put in front of customers, Amazon’s sponsored posts allow you to create paid advertisements targeted at specific niche audiences of your consumer market.
These are all some of the best ways for you to increase the sales numbers your business sees this upcoming Amazon Prime Day.
Take your business to the next level!

While getting all of your deals prepared for Amazon Prime Day is important, you also need to configure your logistics infrastructure to make sure you can keep up with the surge in demand for your products. It would help if you also worked on optimizing your product listings by implementing high-quality keywords that will boost your organic search visibility.
As long as you use all of these tips, you’ll be able to gain an incredible amount of sales this upcoming Amazon Prime Day with ease.
This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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