Some Entertaining Things You Can Do, Even When at Work, While Also Being Productive

Work and even the workplace can oftentimes be a great source of stress. And being happy at work only looks good in theory, but doesn’t translate well in reality. And having fun while being productive is just a dream. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some simple things to make work, a little bit stressful.

  1. Celebrate your coworker’s birthday

 – Celebrating someone’s birthday, even reaching a birthday is a great milestone. So why not, celebrate someone’s birthday or celebrate your birthday in the workplace. The celebration doesn’t have to be extravagant. Maybe eat lunch together or buy some canned drinks. Just to name a few.

  1. Eat out. Either during a lunch break or after work.

– One of the ways, to have fun at work can be experienced off work. Or if that’s not possible, maybe during a lunch break.  Why not try a potluck lunch.

  1. Plan meetings that include a fun ice breaker.

– Meetings can often be boring and what could have been an hour-long meeting, can be just an email instead.  But regardless, whether your meeting is online or physical. It’s better to start with a fun ice breaker, It could be a trivia type of game. Or a group activity.

  1. Decorate your workspace –

 Desks spaces can be too drab. So why not bring some personality to your workspace. Either put some plants or small trinkets from your recent trip or some gift given to you. That way, it helps to uplift your mood, once in a while.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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