Tips and Tricks for Starting an E-commerce Business

Among the things that can be done online, nothing is as exciting as buying things on e-Commerce sites like Amazon and eBay. With just a few clicks, all of your items are delivered right to your doorstep. Whether it’s sneakers, groceries like salad dressings, even fresh produce, almost everything can now be purchase online. That’s is why e-commerce is becoming one of the most valuable and fast-growing industries to date.

So thinking of starting e-commerce? Before you dive in, here are some tips and tricks that guide you before taking the plunge:


  1. Start with purchasing a domain – This is the easy part but at the same time this takes a little bit of planning because a domain name will be a part of your brand’s identity. So make it short, straight to the point, and avoid unnecessary additions like hyphens. Purchasing domain names can be done using sites like,, or Some of them even offer custom logos and web design that is fully customizable.




  1. Sort out the Legalities – After purchasing a domain, the next step is probably the unglamorous part of starting a business. That is sorting us the legal aspect. Whether registering your business or getting a license to operate, legalities like these are important. This ensures that your business is paying the right taxes and helps avoid potential legal issues in the future. So it’s best to look for a lawyer or a law firm that would guide you through the legal process of establishing the business.




  1. Hire a Web Developer – If you have any web developing experiences, then this is not for you. But if you don’t, one of the best things that you can do is to hire one or better yet, look for a consulting firm that offers web development. Hiring an expert can really make difference when it comes to the technicalities of web development & web design. If you want that professional look in bringing your brand’s aesthetics to life.


  1. Utilize an e-commerce or web hosting platform – If you are a small-time business owner and don’t have the resources to hire a web developer, try using an e-commerce platform. This will not only reduce the cost but also gives you an ample amount of time. Web hosting platforms like, Squarespace, and Shopify even allows plugin integration for things like payment processing and many more.


  1. Take Branding Seriously – Now that technicalities are out of the way, it’s now time to focus on establishing the business through branding. Branding serves as the face of the company. It’s what consumers will see or remember if their experience has been pleasant, more so if it was a bad one. So make sure that the design should be in line with the brands’ vision. Just a few tips to consider; learn to limit certain things in branding like color schemes, typography, and lastly, logo design. Make it simple but not too boring, limit to a maximum of a number of colors for logo design, incorporate eye-catching imagery that is relevant to the brand.


  1. Take your time – Often times, brands or companies can get overwhelmed with the idea of launching an e-commerce site. That sometimes, they are so caught up with the launch. In this case, they often forget to test the website first for errors or glitches. Launching e-commerce is a one-shot game. So make sure everything is working perfectly before launching. This is to avoid consumer complaints, reduce site maintenance, and ensure smooth consumer transactions.


  1. Use Social Media to Your Advantage – Don’t ever underestimate the power of social media when it comes to being a marketing powerhouse. Almost everyone is at least on one social media account. This is a great platform to not just market the brand but also reach a large pool of clients. Social media is also a great way to connect to existing customers to get feedbacks, testimonies, and suggestions that can further elevate the brand.



  1. Always be on the lookout – Keep a close watch on the global trends in e-commerce. Learn when to jump on the bandwagon or just lean back. When there are so many brands that are jumping on the bandwagon or “trends”, this can lead to over-saturation of the market. So be on the lookout and be always ready to strategize on up and coming trends. Learn when to stay true to the brand’s core values or maybe do a slight dip.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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