Tips and Tricks To Help Improve Visual Design For Your Business

Visual Branding is all around us. Whether it’s the product packaging of your favorite moisturizer or toner, the social media “look” in media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, tv commercials, billboards, and even the important documents that you have to sign. We are always surrounded by visual design.

So how does visual design play a role in business? An example would be in a survey done by Global News Wire, packaging played an important role in influencing human behavior and consumption. In the study,  “67% of consumers agree that when selecting which products to buy, they’re often influenced by the material they’re packaged in” and “68% of consumers said they were most likely to buy something in a paper or cardboard package if given the choice between paper or plastic”.  So if that doesn’t tell you anything about the influence of visual identity on the human subconscious, let me ask you this, when was the last time you bought a product because it looks good? Then proceeded to purchase the product, without even reading the reviews online or reading the facts at the back?

Having a visual identity is all about establishing a lasting and meaningful connection between your business to your audience through visual imagery. This is crucial because it is the first thing that consumers see. The stronger the connection, the more it can translate to potential sales. So, Whether you hired a design studio or a graphic designer to create visual branding for your business or you have decided to handle the visual branding yourself or your team. Having a good amount of knowledge when it comes to visual design can definitely help you tackle your next project in the future.

That’s why here are some unconventional ways to help you understand and improve Visual Design in your business.

  1. But First, It Takes Time and Money 

Takes Time Money

This may seem unrelated to visual design, but it is one of the most overlooked technical sides of creating a visual identity. For a design studio or a graphic designer to produce a quality design, it takes time, like weeks or months of planning, tweaking the final design, back and forth communication, and a lot of brainstorming that goes into creating a concept for a brand or a client. That’s why some design studios like Pentagram can come with a hefty price tag. Not because of the brand but your business is essentially paying for the manpower, and the collective years of experience these people have in order to make your business memorable.

  1. Learn the Basic Elements

Learning the  Basics

Most clients don’t have an idea of the basics of visual design. Elements like logo placement, color scheme, and typography. This can often cause friction between the client and the designer. For the client, take some time to ask what is it that you want? What are your vision and purpose? And learn who your target audience is? Before hiring a design studio or a designer. That’s why it’s important for clients to learn at least some basic elements. Because knowing how different elements work can guide your business in making attentive decisions.

Here some crash course on what goes into creating a visual identity;

  • Mood board – sites like Pinterest or even just clippings of web images are a great way to establish what you want or what your brand wants to represent.
  • Color Palette – it is recommended to not use at least more than three colors. A color scheme for a brand reinforces the mood and personality of your business. But can have a different connotation when it comes to client or customer perception. So choose carefully. Having the right color palette that matches the brand’s message and customer perception can have a lasting impact. It’s all about creating an emotional connection. That’s why brands like McDonald’s, Coca-cola, and some fast-food chains use red as the dominant color as it conveys a more energetic personality and lively personality. And why darker colors like black and navy blue are used in luxury brands like Tomford & Ralph Lauren to illustrate an aura of sophistication and luxury.
  • Typography – You wanna know how important typography is in design?  Here is a video by com on how bad typography can cause mishaps. Having good typography allows for better communication and prevents mistakes. Especially in cases like in the medical field, where the following instructions are crucial.
  • Logo – Probably the first things people look at. A logo is a unique signifier of your brand or business. It’s what distinguishes your business from other competitors. When it comes to logo creation, be very thorough when it comes to how you want it to look, pay attention to scale, visual impact, and of course the colors that will be used. Take note, it’s best to have different opinions to get feedback. You don’t want to end up like one of these logos.
  • Graphics and Imagery – This is important when it comes to it using social media or for website design. Graphics and Imagery should be planned together for they go hand in hand when It comes to reinforcing your brand’s visual identity. Imagery such as photographs conveys the message and graphics such as provide an avenue in how to further reinforce and deliver that message effectively. Either through the use of icons, charts, animations, and many more.
  1. Consistency

This is more evident in skincare companies that offer multiple products, Take a look at Paula’s Choice or The Ordinary. If you happen to stumble upon their website or just so happen to be using their product, there is a good chance that even all the typography is removed or written information, there is a bigger chance that the brand or the product is still recognizable. Through consistency in visual design, a lot of consumers will be able to discern your product and know where to find relevant information such as the percentage of ingredients or the expiry date.

  1. Open to changes 
    Opent to change

Be prepared and be open to change. There will come a time where your visual identity will have to undergo a makeover. Well in some cases, a complete rebranding will often be the solution. Sometimes, a logo or even the totality of the brand’s visual identity needs to undergo a makeover in order to stay ahead of the competitors. Customers will always want to work with a business that knows that you are there all the time, and you are evolving with them. Just take a look at the businesses/companies that have to undergo logo redesign. Companies like Heinz and Cadbury are just some of the companies with a long history that have decided to redesign their logo for the modern era.

  1. Put Yourself in your Consumer’s shoes

Sometimes, a lot of businesses are so caught up with their brand development and they often forget who they are designing for. Businesses should allow themselves to be tested on consumer perception. Allow customer feedback and use those feedbacks to inject changes in creating a visual identity for the brand.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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