Ways On How to Use Color Blue in Graphic Design

Commonly associated with sadness and melancholy, “feeling blue” perhaps? But at the same time, the color blue, especially navy blue to be associated with confidence and dependability. No wonder, a navy suit is a go-to color for some heads of states, presidents, and powerful figures. The color blue denotes a different feeling depending on how it is used (shade, hue, etc.). 


So how should you incorporate the color blue in branding? Here are some suggestions:



  1. Lighter Blue’s for Summer –  Blue is the color of the sea and often represents water. So if your business focuses on refreshments or that has something to do with beverages or drinks? So how about try considering it as your base color as blue provides a refreshing feeling to the user. 

  1. Darker Blue’s for Authority – there is a reason why navy blue is considered a power color for some people in higher positions. It conveys confidence, reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness. So it’s no surprise that some of the big banks, schools, police, and hospitals use blue as their go-to-color.  They are building trust in the people using the dark blue colors on their logo.

  2. Stand out, but not too much. – Using the color blue, especially if your tone it down can be a great alternative to using black as the background color. For that less intense feeling but at the same time, providing a huge impact. 

  1. Calm and Collected – Want to make your audience experience a feeling of calmness and tranquility, blue is a great way to use when your company or product focuses on healthcare, services, and comfort.

  2. Appetite suppressor – this is kinda tricky because the brand Oreo has the color blue on it, so it depends. But when it comes to food-related products or services, don’t use blue as the dominant color. Blue is known to suppress one’s appetite. So use in tiny amounts, and use colors that ignite passion and excitement like red and yellow. 

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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