
Amazon Product research is all about finding opportunities on amazon’s current trends. It is useful in developing and launching any product to avoid mistakes and lessen risks. Product research helps you examine products, concepts, ideas, competitors, and prices. Even after your product launches, continuing research allows you to work out customer satisfaction and make improvements.

1. Know The Trend

Search for popular products by looking at trending hashtags, pins, comments on Pinterest, best-selling products on Amazon, and elsewhere. Focus on products with high demand but with low competition. When you identify the type of product to sell, narrow down your options to look only for products with the same categories as yours.

2. Define your product

Explain what your product is, review what it does, and then list all its benefits. Often, people don’t buy products for what they are, but instead for what they offer. Defining the products or services you sell will help you contrast your offering in the marketplace, which is a key to gaining revenue. 

3. Know your Competitors

Check out which products are successful by seeing what other sellers are advertising via  Amazon PPC. Sellers who sell products via PPC Ads are earning since spending money on campaigns like this is costly. Otherwise, they would not spend the money on running campaigns. The word ‘sponsored’ on Amazon means the product is a paid-for advertisement. Fewer competitors are better. We make money in every sale rather than making money when selling thousands of items. 

4. Target Market and Product Marketing

Consider your target market, find which communication channels and social media platforms do they use the most? What are their interests? Where do they find inspiration for their purchase? Your marketing strategy should resound with your target market and speak with their language. Great product and knowing how to price it is essential, but it is also wise to know your product positioning and marketing strategy. Improving your competitor’s strength in marketing their product is the key to successful winning.

5. Continue conducting product research

Improvements are endless. Product research doesn’t end when your product launches. It is important to continue asking customers for feedback, measure marketing strategies, and tracking metrics such as repeat purchases to continue upgrading your product/services to attract and retain customers. Always observe your competitors and any emerging trends in your industry.
This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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