Ways to Incorporate Maximalism in your Design

The term Minimalism originated from British Philosopher Richard Wollheim’s critique in 1965 essay called “Minimal Art”.  The term went on, especially in design to refer to the stripping of the façade, and focus on the bare minimum. Sleek and no fuss  design, white walls, grey interiors, subdued color palettes. But as the world is still grappling with the pandemic, this might be the time for maximalism to take center stage.

Maximalism’s “more is more” while  minimalism’s “less is more”. Maximalism allows the full spectrum of emotions in one picture. It’s a collage of; different prints, patterns, bold colors, combination of different typography, intricate designs, just to name a few. Want to start incorporating maximalist elements into your graphic design. Here some tips and tricks:

1. Be Bold With Color – This can be overwhelming sometimes, but choosing the colors for a maximalistic design offers more freedom and choice on what color to use. This the part where there is almost no limit to how many colors can be used. Bright colors in contrast to maybe neon color, dark colors, matte or shining.. there is more leeway for designers to explore and express as many emotions as you want. But bear in mind, to still be aware of the core message of the brand you want to portray.

2. Play with Patterns & Prints – In addition to color, using print and patterns can also be a great way to add a layer of visual to your design. The combination of prints & bold choice colors can offer a distinct and unique experience to the audience. It offers a platform to further stand out from the competition.

3. Go Big With the Logo – This the the time where designers, especially graphic designers to go big and create unique and intricate logos.

4. Combine Different Styles – Combining different & contrasting design disciplines can be possible in the realm of maximalism. Especially in typography. Why not combine Arial with Times New Roman, or metallic prints with floral design. Learn to play around and try combining different style to convey a much more lively message to the audience.

Whether you are a maximalist, minimalist or both, each discipline has its own place. Maximalism offers an advantage over minimalism, and minimalism offers something that maximalism cannot do. So it’s up to the designers to know what works best and sometimes, it’s good to take risks, so go ahead, try that bright color palette once in a while.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group
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