
Customer Service is the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.  It’s the way that an organization deals with customers before, during, and after-sales, and all the activities involved in dealing with customers such answers customers’ questions, exchanges goods that are not satisfactory, etc.
Good Customer service is all about keeping and bringing the customers back. It was known as the lifeblood of any company or any business. It has an impact on both existing customers and potential customers. No matter how great your business is or how talented your team may be, customers will always remember the interactions they have with your company. A salesperson could be able to sell once but your customer service approach that will determine if you could sell the customer anything else. Whether you provide customer service by phone, email, live chat, social media, or in-person form a relationship with the customer that would make them feel accommodated and welcomed.
Here is how you should provide customer service:

1. Know your products and services

– To provide the best customer service, you must know every aspect of the product or service you are selling. You will eventually be able to discuss its feature and uses in the future. Make sure you know how your products or services work. Show your customers the advantages they get from using your product or service and troubleshoot anything that is not working correctly.

2.Listen and understand your customer

– Listening is one of the simplest ways to provide excellent customer service and Great interactions begin with knowing your customer’s wants and needs.  Sometimes customers just need to be heard, so be sure to actively listen to what they have to say. They might have a valid point that you can use to make your product or service even better. Listening to your customers will not only result in grateful and happy customers, but it can also go a long way in terms of keeping yourself on their tracking for future business. let your customer talk and show him that you are listening by making the appropriate responses, such as summarizing what the customer has said and suggesting how to solve the problem. Get to know your customers, remember their names and previous conversations. If needed, make a note of what was discussed previously so you can refer to it the next time you meet.

3. Response promptly and personalize your service

– Quick response to customers’ queries is one of the biggest factors in good customer service, especially when they are requesting something that’s time-sensitive or smaller issues that don’t take much time to solve.  Be aware of the most common questions customers ask and know how to articulate the answers that will leave them satisfied. Customers love personalization.

4. Always be helpful and friendly.

– Your customers are the most fundamental part of your business, and they come before products or profit. Make your customers happy and accommodated. Always start with a smile, be friendly, courteous, and respectful. It is important to always remain kind and empathetic to your customer. Always show a friendly and positive aura, a positive attitude goes a long way in providing excellent customer service. The right attitude changes negative customer experiences into positive customer experiences. Being helpful means anticipating your customers’ needs before they even express them. It’s your job to anticipate their needs and provide for them. Going the extra mile is one of the most important things you can do to deliver great customer service.

5. Keep your words and promises­­

– Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception. Keeping your word is about respect and trust. It will help you build a strong relationship with them. Customers will always remember when a company or representative commits to them. Think before you give any promises and make them carefully. Nothing irritates customers more than a broken promise.

This is A Blog Written by EHP Consulting Group

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